An Open Letter to Coaches and Interns at SPARTAFIT -The Next Phase of SF:

Whether we like it or not, you should know, by now, that the fitness sphere is, ultimately, about what the people demand.

The reason why our leader board is sitting atop gathering dust and a 3 year veteran at PF who is still oblivious to what a “snatch” is.  is the very same reason why global phenomenons such as F45 or Barry’s Bootcamp thrives. 

That, humans in general, at least 90 percent of us, do not care about how we move. But, deeply care about how we look.

Fact, from our membership enquiries, 9.5 times out of 10, the number one motive behind a sign up is to lose weight fast. 

That leads to another fact, no one ever joins up to learn how to do a gymnastics drill or Olympic lifting class, because if that’s the case, they will usually trace down speciality gyms that do that, maybe a CrossFit box (

The next statement is said with a heavy heart, listen carefully, as coaches, we need to stop pushing our own interest and agenda onto our clients.

Meaning, just because we make training our life priority it doesn’t translate to the same for everyone else. 

Teaching complex movements to students with no genuine desire to learn. Under the pressure of a short time span is a recipe for bad experience.

The recent suggestion of lessening intricate Barbell movements is not a impromptu thought. But rather an alternate route to which we as coaches, must take.

Give the people what they are asking for. Ultimately, results in weight loss, more energy, better sleep, feeling vibrant, look sexy, keep up with young ones etc etc.

Performance based goals can still be used and tracked for individual members when you see fit. Those are the unicorns of our society, people like us, but we must serve the general population first.

SPARTAfit will provide effective gym classes with simple but innovative exercise regimens. that is medium to high intensitY. all inclusive and not skill bearing, constantly moving and not pausing.

To better our neighbouring gyms by way of service, listening and producing mind blowing results for our communities. These workouts are fun and addictive, our energetic animated coaching will match the best in the game. 

Skilled manoeuvres will be reserved for individual clients and members with athletic needs. Low attending classes such as Sparta barbells will be phased out in due course.

Thank you team.

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