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Athlete Of The Week- Sarah H
1. How many times are you training weekly? On which day(s) specifically.
I try and make four times a week: Tues, Wed, Friday and Saturday
2. What’s the earliest time you can make the sessions?
6am. I’m not a morning person naturally, but once I’m up and there, I like doing a really hard workout before 7am. Makes me feel great all day
3. How are you finding our programmes (bootcamp, SPARTA, Booty camp, Real Bootcamp )? Hard, easy?
Hard but always rewarding. I love how every session is different and challenging in different ways. It’s the best workouts I’ve ever done
4. What would you like to do more?
I really like the sessions where we concentrate on skill and best practice (eg learning how to best do double unders). I’d like to do more of those and then concentrate on improving my skills and strength
5. Preference of coaches.
They are all really great for different reasons. I really appreciate how they adapt their approach for all the different levels of fitness and strengths of the attendees. They are all really open and encouraging to everyone
6. Are you getting the results that you are after? Who do you hold accountable ?
Yes but I need to change my diet. I’m definitely getting stronger, more fit and losing weight, but I think it would happen more quickly if I was serious about my diet. I do like that the changes have happened over time as that feels like more of a permanent change