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Gym anxiety
Spring is just around the corner, lots of people are going to be signing up for training, how to get the best out of your new found challenge?
When people feel that working out is a way to relieve stress, but getting into the gym still could bring much anxiety to other people. If you have ever felt overwhelmed by uncertainly waling into the gym, rest assured that you are not the only one. Gym anxiety is common when you are first working out somewhere new. New experiences can be a bit uncomfortable at times, but it is possible to feel confident after some trials and preparations.
Combat gym anxiety.
Methods of coping with anxiety at the gym were concluded into three broad categories: focus on yourself, be prepared and manage your negative thoughts for lightening your stress.
1. Focus on you.
Lots of people say one of the main reasons that they are struggling to go to the gym is because they are worried about what do other people think about them. We all have the first time to do new things in our whole lifetime. However, a good beginning is halfway to success.
They always have this kind of thoughts like: “everyone is staring at me. They must think I’m fat and out of shape”; “What am I doing here? I don’t belong here; I can’t do this”; and “Did I do this workout correctly or how do I use this equipment?” First of all, we could manage our thoughts by having more realistic thoughts instead of those negative thoughts. Moreover, there are loads of real things you can do to avoid your mind wander back to anxiety. If the added chaos of a packed gym causes your anxiety to spike, try working out during off-peak hours; Again, you are not the only one to deal with gym anxiety, bring some people with you or find your gym partner will make things all the difference. The positive and supportive community like Priorityfitness could help you reduce your anxiety and stress and work towards your fitness goals with some warm-hearted friends. Listening to music or an audio-book can be great solutions for keeping your mind busy, and make it less likely that you will be disturbed.
2. Do the preparation.
Make a plan of what you want to accomplish during your workout. By this way, you will hold yourself accountable to finish what you wrote you would do; And some online workout videos as instructions will make you do the movements correctly. Social media is an excellent resource for your workout inspiration. Think about what kind of goal you want to reach and what type of workouts you prefer to do. Before you go to the gym, decide if you are going to hit the road, lift some free weights or rotate through a circuit training program. Being prepared could save time and make your workout productively without any anxious thought and how you are going to use your gym time. However, go to the gym with your realistic workout plan will make you feel more confident than before.
3. Lighten the Pressure.
It is helpful to get a few personal training sessions, join a group training class if you always feel anxious about unsure what to do when you are there.
According to an article from the Balance website, it said that people feel less anxious by judgement if everyone is doing the same thing. Joining a class is a great way to lighten your pressure when you do not need to plan your workouts and worry about doing everything correctly. Getting yourself a personal trainer is another smart way to get your gym anxiety away. With some company and make your effort effectively with the professional advice. Going to the gym with someone who already knows his or her way around may solve your problem about struggling to find your place to workout. Also, the last option is: bring a friend to the gym. Many people like to lift weights together. Go on cardio machines and even motivate each other to get to the gym. Therefore, bringing a friend could instantly alleviate the discomfort from the gym anxiety.
Overall, don’t be scared of the fear or anxiety about gym workouts, it is a pretty common thing for most people, and eventually, we could get through it by following some right guides and useful tips.
Best luck newbies! If you have any questions please email us or drop in for a visit,

article sponsored by Revolution Chiropractic Northcote
Little Ninja Northcote, Auckland