Weight Is Not the Best Progress Indicator

Weight Is Not the Best Progress Indicator

One of the most typical problems I observe in some people is that once they reach a healthy body weight, they continue to prioritize their weight as one of the primary measures of their progress in training.

The following are the four reasons why doing so might not be the smartest thing.
  1. A decrease in weight does not indicate an improvement in strength or fitness. It’s possible for you to be in the best shape of your life, both physically and mentally, yet still, be five kilograms heavier than you believe you should be.
  2. When you have reached a healthy weight range appropriate for your height, your weight merely reflects how your body sits on the ground. Getting fitter and more assertive does not automatically follow a 1-2-kilogram weight loss.
  3. Weight loss does not account for the other health benefits of exercise, such as a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s.
  4. Weight loss does not take into account the improvements in bone density, sleep, mental health, and confidence.

In other words, do not become frustrated if you are training regularly but not seeing the desired weight loss results. When you get your workout in, you’re already ahead.

If you need assistance with your body goals, do not hesitate to contact us or visit our studio at 45 Woodside Ave., Northcote, Auckland, NZ 0627.

Please follow us on social media for more information.


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